Getting Started =============== .. Note:: This guide is specific to the pre-release experimental state of this library. As the Python library becomes publicly available and the required server modifications are merged into the mainline of Cryptol, installation will be much more straightforward. Please report any difficulties you find with this library at the `issue tracker `_. To use pycryptol, both the `pycryptol `_ Python library and the ``cryptol-server`` Haskell executable must be installed. This guide assumes that you already have Python and `pip `_ installed, and that you have a Haskell toolchain with GHC 7.8.4 or newer capable of building `Cryptol `_. Installing ZeroMQ Development Libraries --------------------------------------- The Python library and the Cryptol server both require the development libraries for ZeroMQ version 4 or higher. Your OS or package manager (such as Homebrew or ``apt-get``) should have a ZeroMQ package, but if the version is too old, see the `ZeroMQ site `_ for more on how to download and install the correct library. Installing the Python Library ----------------------------- The Python library is most easily installed using pip:: pip install git+ \ --allow-external BitVector .. Note:: The `BitVector `_ library used in ``pycryptol`` is hosted outside the usual PyPI repository, and so requires the ``--allow-external`` flag when installing. Installing the Cryptol Server ----------------------------- This guide assumes that you are already have GHC 7.8.4 or newer, and are able to build Cryptol from a GitHub checkout; see the `Cryptol documentation `_ for instructions. #. Clone the Cryptol repository:: $ git clone ... $ cd cryptol #. Build the Cryptol distribution with the ``CRYPTOL_SERVER`` option set:: $ CRYPTOL_SERVER=1 make dist ... #. Extract the resulting ``.tar`` or ``.zip`` file to a location of your choice as you would with a normal Cryptol release. #. Make sure your system ``PATH`` contains the location you extracted the distribution. You should be able to start the ``cryptol-server`` executable at your shell (you can shut the server down after testing by pressing ``Ctrl-C``):: $ cryptol-server [cryptol-server] coming online at tcp:// Testing your Installation ------------------------- With the ``pycryptol`` library and the ``cryptol-server`` executable installed, you can use the Python interpreter to test whether all of the components were successfully installed. For example:: $ python Python 2.7.9 (default, Feb 10 2015, 03:28:08) [GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 6.0 (clang-600.0.56)] on darwin Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import cryptol >>> cry = cryptol.Cryptol() >>> prelude = cry.prelude() >>> int(prelude.eval("1+1")) 0