Source code for cryptol.cryptol

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements,no-member,fixme
"""An interface to the Cryptol interpreter."""

from BitVector import BitVector
import atexit
import enum
import os
import string
import time
import re
import subprocess
import weakref
import zmq

[docs]class Provers(enum.Enum): """Available provers for Cryptol""" ANY = 'any' """Use all available provers, returning the first answer""" ABC = 'abc' """Use `ABC <>`_""" BOOLECTOR = 'boolector' """Use `Boolector <>`_""" CVC4 = 'cvc4' """Use `CVC4 <>`_""" MATHSAT = 'mathsat' """Use `MathSAT <>`_""" YICES = 'yices' """Use `Yices <>`_""" Z3 = 'z3' """Use `Z3 <>`_"""
[docs]class ProofResult(object): """The result of a call to :meth:`.prove`""" def __init__(self, is_valid, cex): if is_valid and cex is not None: raise PycryptolInternalError( 'Counterexample given for valid property') self.__is_valid = is_valid self.__cex = cex def __str__(self): if self.__is_valid: return "valid" else: return "invalid"
[docs] def is_valid(self): """Is the property valid?""" return self.__is_valid
[docs] def has_counterexample(self): """Does the property have a counterexample?""" return self.__cex is not None
[docs] def get_counterexample(self): """Return the counterexample as a tuple of arguments""" if self.__cex is None: raise ValueError('No counterexample for valid property') return self.__cex
[docs]class SatResult(object): """The result of a call to :meth:`.sat` with ``sat_num=1``""" def __init__(self, is_sat, args): if is_sat and args is None: raise PycryptolInternalError( 'No satisfying assignment given for satisfiable property') self.__is_sat = is_sat self.__args = args def __str__(self): if self.__is_sat: return 'sat' else: return 'unsat'
[docs] def is_sat(self): """Is the property satisfiable?""" return self.__is_sat
[docs] def has_assignment(self): """Does the property have a satisfying assignment?""" return self.__args is not None
[docs] def get_assignment(self): """Return the satisfying assignment as a tuple of arguments""" if self.__args is None: raise ValueError('No satisfying assignment for unsat property') return self.__args
[docs]class AllSatResult(object): """The result of a call to :meth:`.sat` with ``sat_num`` other than ``1``""" def __init__(self, is_sat, argss): if is_sat and argss is None: raise PycryptolInternalError( 'No satisfying assignments given for satisfiable property') self.__is_sat = is_sat self.__argss = argss def __str__(self): if self.__is_sat: return 'sat' else: return 'unsat'
[docs] def is_sat(self): """Is the property satisfiable?""" return self.__is_sat
[docs] def assignment_count(self): """How many satisfying assignments were found?""" if self.__argss is None: raise ValueError('No satisfying assignments for unsat property') return len(self.__argss)
[docs] def get_assignments(self): """Return the satisfying assignments as a list of tuples of arguments""" if self.__argss is None: raise ValueError('No satisfying assignments for unsat property') return self.__argss
class TestReport(object): """The result of a call to :meth:`.check`""" def __init__(self, prop, passed, tests_run, tests_possible, errmsg, cex): self.__prop = prop self.__passed = passed self.__tests_run = tests_run self.__tests_possible = tests_possible self.__errmsg = errmsg self.__cex = cex def __str__(self): if self.__passed: return 'pass' else: return 'fail' def passed(self): """Did the tests pass?""" return self.__passed def is_exhaustive(self): """Were the tests exhaustive?""" return self.__tests_run >= self.__tests_possible def tests_run(self): """How many tests were run?""" return self.__tests_run def tests_possible(self): """Given the type under test, how many tests were possible?""" return self.__tests_possible def coverage(self): """The coverage percentage of these tests :return float: float between 0.0 and 1.0 """ return float(self.__tests_run) / self.__tests_possible def has_counterexample(self): """Did testing find a counterexample?""" return self.__cex is not None def get_counterexample(self): """Return the counterexample as a tuple of arguments""" if self.__cex is None: raise ValueError('No counterexample found for property') return self.__cex def has_error(self): """Did the tests fail due to an evaluation error?""" return self.__errmsg is not None def get_error(self): """Return the error message, if there was one""" if self.__errmsg is None: raise ValueError('No error message') return self.__errmsg
[docs]class Cryptol(object): """A Cryptol interpreter session. Instances of this class are sessions with the Cryptol server. The main way to use one of these instances is to call :meth:`.load_module` or :meth:`.prelude`. :param str cryptol_server: The path to the Cryptol server executable; pass ``None`` to instead connect to an already-running server :param str addr: The interface on which to bind the Cryptol server :param int port: The port on which to bind the Cryptol server :raises CryptolServerError: if the ``cryptol_server`` executable can't be found or exits unexpectedly """ def __init__(self, cryptol_server='cryptol-server', addr='tcp://', port=5555): self.__loaded_modules = [] self.__ctx = zmq.Context() self.__addr = addr if cryptol_server is not None: # Start the server null = open(os.devnull, 'wb') try: args = [cryptol_server, '--port', str(port), '--mask-interrupts'] self.__server = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=null, stderr=null, shell=True) except OSError as err: if err.errno == os.errno.ENOENT: raise CryptolServerError( u'Could not find Cryptol server executable {!r}.\n' 'Make sure it is on your system path, or pass a ' 'different path for the cryptol_server argument.' .format(cryptol_server) ) else: raise # wait a little bit to make sure the server doesn't # promptly exit time.sleep(0.01) result = self.__server.poll() if result is not None: raise CryptolServerError( u'Cryptol server executable {!r} exited unexpectedly ' 'with exit code {:d}'.format(cryptol_server, result) ) else: self.__server = False self.__main_req = self.__ctx.socket(zmq.REQ) self.__main_req.connect(self.__addr + ':' + str(port)) atexit.register(self.exit) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.exit() return None
[docs] def exit(self): """Close the session. Any modules loaded in this session will be invalid after calling this method. """ for mod_ref in self.__loaded_modules: mod = mod_ref() if mod is not None: mod.exit() if not self.__main_req.closed and self.__server: self.__main_req.send_json({'tag': 'exit'}, flags=zmq.NOBLOCK) self.__main_req.close() if not self.__ctx.closed: self.__ctx.destroy() if self.__server and self.__server.poll() is not None: time.sleep(0.01) self.__server.terminate()
[docs] def load_module(self, filepath): """Load a Cryptol module. Returns a Python object with attributes corresponding to constants and methods corresponding to functions defined in the Cryptol module. :param str filepath: The filepath of the Cryptol module to load """ port, req = self.__new_client() # TODO: get the module name from the AST, don't just guess # from the filepath mod_name = os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(filepath))[0].encode('ascii', 'replace') cls = type('{} <Cryptol>'.format(mod_name), (_CryptolModule,), {}) mod = cls(port, req, self.__main_req, filepath) self.__loaded_modules.append(weakref.ref(mod)) return mod
[docs] def prelude(self): """Load the Cryptol prelude.""" port, req = self.__new_client() cls = type('Prelude <Cryptol>', (_CryptolModule,), {}) mod = cls(port, req, self.__main_req) self.__loaded_modules.append(weakref.ref(mod)) return mod
def __new_client(self): """Start up a new REPL session client.""" self.__main_req.send_json({'tag': 'connect'}) resp = self.__main_req.recv_json() worker_port = resp['port'] req = self.__ctx.socket(zmq.REQ) req.connect(self.__addr + ':' + str(worker_port)) return (worker_port, req)
[docs]class _CryptolModule(object): """Abstract class for Cryptol modules. .. note:: Users of this module should not instantiate this class directly. This class is the basis for the objects returned by :meth:`.load_module` and :meth:`.prelude`. :param Socket req: The request socket for this module context :param str filepath: The filepath of the Cryptol module to load, or ``None`` for loading only the prelude """ __identifier = re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z_]\w*\Z") def __init__(self, port, req, control_req, filepath=None): self.__decls = {} self.__ascii = False self.__base = 16 self.__mono_binds = True self.__prover = Provers.CVC4 self.__port = port self.__req = req self.__control_req = control_req if filepath is None: self.__load_prelude() else: self.__load_module(filepath) self.__req.send_json({'tag': 'browse'}) browse_resp = self.__try_recv_json() tl_decls = browse_resp['decls']['ifDecls'] for name in tl_decls: decl = tl_decls[name] # TODO: properly handle polymorphic declarations tvars = decl['ifDeclSig']['sVars'] if len(tvars) is not 0: # TODO: warn continue # Run the evaluation val_resp = self.__tag_expr('evalExpr', u'({})'.format(name), ()) if val_resp['tag'] == 'value': val = self.__from_value(val_resp['value']) sval = val elif val_resp['tag'] == 'funValue': val = self.__from_funvalue(val_resp['handle'], static=False) sval = self.__from_funvalue(val_resp['handle'], static=True) elif val_resp['tag'] == 'interactiveError': raise CryptolError(val_resp['pp']) else: raise PycryptolInternalError( u'Cryptol evaluation returned a non-value ' 'message: {}'.format(val_resp)) # set the name, if possible try: val.__name__ = name.encode('utf-8') sval.__name__ = name.encode('utf-8') except AttributeError: pass # set the docstring if available and settable if 'ifDeclDoc' in decl: try: val.__doc__ = decl['ifDeclDoc'].encode('utf-8') sval.__doc__ = decl['ifDeclDoc'].encode('utf-8') except AttributeError: pass # at this point the decl is ready to at least be added to # the decls dictionary, if not as a member to the class, # but interpret it statically self.__decls[name] = sval # Since new infix operators can't be defined in Python, we # can't add them to the returned object, only to the decls # dictionary. is_infix = decl['ifDeclInfix'] if is_infix: # TODO: warn continue # filter out invalid identifiers if re.match(_CryptolModule.__identifier, name) is None: continue # make sure the name doesn't already exist in the current # object to prevent overwriting things like __class__ if hasattr(self, name): # TODO: warn for collisions continue # add it to the object under construction setattr(self.__class__, name, val) def __load_prelude(self): """Load the Prelude, leaving it up to the server to find it :raises CryptolError: if the prelude does not load successfully """ self.__req.send_json({'tag': 'loadPrelude'}) load_resp = self.__try_recv_json() if load_resp['tag'] != 'ok': raise CryptolError(load_resp) def __load_module(self, filepath): """Initialize this module with the file at the given path :param str filepath: The filepath of the Cryptol module to load :raises CryptolError: if the module does not load successfully """ self.__req.send_json({'tag': 'loadModule', 'filePath': filepath}) load_resp = self.__try_recv_json() if load_resp['tag'] != 'ok': raise CryptolError(load_resp) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.exit() def __del__(self): self.exit() def __tag_expr(self, tag, expr, fmtargs): """Send a command with a string argument to the Cryptol interpreter. :param str tag: The tag to include in the JSON message :param str expr: The string to include as the ``expr`` parameter :param fmtargs: The values to substitute in for ``?`` in ``expr`` (see :meth:`.template`) :raises TypeError: if the given expression is not a string """ if not isinstance(expr, basestring): raise TypeError( u'Expected Cryptol expression as string, ' 'got unsupported type {!r}'.format(type(expr).__name__) ) expr = _CryptolModule.template(expr, fmtargs) self.__req.send_json({'tag': tag, 'expr': expr}) resp = self.__try_recv_json() return resp def __from_value(self, val): """Convert a JSON-formatted Cryptol value to a Python value.""" # VBit if 'bit' in val: return val['bit'] # VRecord if 'record' in val: rec = {} for field in val['record']: fname = field[0]['Name'] fval = self.__from_value(field[1]) rec[fname] = fval return rec # VTuple if 'tuple' in val: tup = () for tval in val['tuple']: tup = tup + (self.__from_value(tval),) return tup # VSeq if 'sequence' in val and val['sequence']['isWord']: return BitVector(bitlist=[self.__from_value(elt) for elt in val['sequence']['elements']]) if 'sequence' in val and not val['sequence']['isWord']: return [self.__from_value(elt) for elt in val['sequence']['elements']] # VWord if 'word' in val: bv = val['word']['bitvector'] intval = int(bv['value']) width = int(bv['width']) if width == 0: return None else: return BitVector(intVal=intval % (2**width), size=width) # VFun TODO: this only arises when functions are nested within # other structures. Make the server handle this case with a # funvalue message if 'function' in val: return None raise PycryptolInternalError( u'Could not convert message to value: {}'.format(val)) def __from_funvalue(self, handle, static=True): """Convert a JSON-formatted Cryptol closure to a Python function. This is separated out from :meth:`.__from_value` since the Cryptol server tags closure messages differently from regular values. :param bool static: Whether to return a static function, or a method on the current module """ def clos(self, arg): """Closure for callable Cryptol function""" self.__req.send_json({'tag': 'applyFun', 'handle': handle, 'arg': self.__to_value(arg)}) val = self.__try_recv_json() if val['tag'] == 'value': return self.__from_value(val['value']) elif val['tag'] == 'funValue': return self.__from_funvalue(val['handle'], static) else: raise PycryptolInternalError( u'No value returned from applying Cryptol function; ' 'instead got {!s}'.format(val)) def static_clos(arg): """Closure for callable Cryptol function""" return clos(self, arg) setattr(clos, '__name__', '<cryptol_closure>') setattr(static_clos, '__name__', '<cryptol_closure>') if static: return static_clos else: return clos def __to_value(self, pyval): """Convert a Python value to a JSON-formatted Cryptol value.""" # VBit if isinstance(pyval, bool): return {'bit': pyval} # VRecord elif isinstance(pyval, dict): return {'record': [[{'Name': k}, self.__to_value(v)] for k, v in pyval.items()]} # VTuple elif isinstance(pyval, tuple): return {'tuple': [self.__to_value(v) for v in pyval]} # VSeq elif isinstance(pyval, list): # TODO: assert homogeneous, set isWord return {'sequence': {'isWord': False, 'elements': [self.__to_value(v) for v in pyval]}} # VWord elif isinstance(pyval, BitVector): return {'word': {'bitvector': {'width': pyval.length(), 'value': int(pyval)}}} else: # TODO: convert strings to ASCII? raise ValueError( u'Unable to convert Python value into ' 'Cryptol value {!s}'.format(pyval))
[docs] def decl(self, name): """Return a top-level Cryptol declaration in the current module Because Cryptol and Python have different syntaxes for identifiers, not all Cryptol declarations can be made into members on the object returned by :meth:`.load_module`. Use this method to access other declarations without reevaluating them. :param str name: The name of the declaration :return: A Python value representing the named declaration :raises CryptolError: if the declaration is not in scope """ try: return self.__decls[name] except KeyError: raise CryptolError(u'Value not in scope: {}'.format(name))
[docs] def eval(self, expr, fmtargs=()): """Evaluate a Cryptol expression in this module's context. :param str expr: The expression to evaluate :param fmtargs: The values to substitute in for ``?`` in ``expr`` (see :meth:`.template`) :return: A Python value representing the result of evaluating ``expr`` :raises CryptolError: if an error occurs during Cryptol parsing, typechecking, or evaluation """ val = self.__tag_expr('evalExpr', expr, fmtargs) if val['tag'] == 'value': return self.__from_value(val['value']) elif val['tag'] == 'funValue': return self.__from_funvalue(val['handle']) elif val['tag'] == 'interactiveError': raise CryptolError(val['pp']) else: raise PycryptolInternalError( u'Cryptol evaluation returned a non-value ' 'message: {}'.format(val))
[docs] def typeof(self, expr, fmtargs=()): """Get the type of a Cryptol expression. :param str expr: The expression to typecheck :param fmtargs: The values to substitute in for ``?`` in ``expr`` (see :meth:`.template`) :return str: The pretty-printed representation of the type :raises CryptolError: if an error occurs during Cryptol parsing or typechecking """ # TODO: design Python representation of Cryptol types for a # semantically-meaningful return value resp = self.__tag_expr('typeOf', expr, fmtargs) if resp['tag'] == 'type': return resp['pp'] elif resp['tag'] == 'interactiveError': raise CryptolError(resp['pp']) else: raise PycryptolInternalError( u'Cryptol typechecking returned a non-type ' 'message: {}'.format(resp))
[docs] def check(self, expr, fmtargs=(), limit=100): """Randomly test a Cryptol property. :param str expr: The property to test :param fmtargs: The values to substitute in for ``?`` in ``expr`` (see :meth:`.template`) :param int limit: The number of test cases to run, or ``None`` to exhaustively check the property :return: A :class:`.TestReport` for this property :raises ValueError: if ``expr`` is empty :raises CryptolError: if an error occurs during Cryptol parsing or typechecking; errors during test evaluation are reported in the :class:`.TestReport`. """ if expr == '': raise ValueError('Cannot check an empty expression') # set keywords if limit is not None: self.setopt('tests', str(limit)) cmd = 'check' else: cmd = 'exhaust' resp = self.__tag_expr(cmd, expr, fmtargs) if resp['tag'] == 'interactiveError': raise CryptolError(resp['pp']) try: obj = resp['testReport'][0] except: raise PycryptolInternalError( u'Malformed check response: {}'.format(resp)) return self.__create_test_report(obj)
def __create_test_report(self, obj): try: result = obj['reportResult'] if 'Pass' in result: passed = True cex = None else: passed = False if 'FailFalse' in result: cex = tuple([self.__from_value(arg) for arg in result['FailFalse']]) if 'FailError' in result: cex = tuple([self.__from_value(arg) for arg in result['args']]) errmsg = result['FailError'] else: errmsg = None tests_run = obj['reportTestsRun'] tests_possible = obj['reportTestsPossible'] prop = obj['reportProp'] return TestReport( prop, passed, tests_run, tests_possible, errmsg, cex) except KeyError: raise PycryptolInternalError('Malformed check/exhaust response')
[docs] def prove(self, expr, fmtargs=(), prover=Provers.CVC4): """Prove validity of a Cryptol property, or find a counterexample. :param str expr: The property to prove :param fmtargs: The values to substitute in for ``?`` in ``expr`` (see :meth:`.template`) :return: A :class:`.ProofResult` for this property :raises ProverError: if an error occurs during prover invocation :raises CryptolError: if an error occurs during Cryptol parsing, typechecking, evaluation, or symbolic simulation """ # set keywords self.setopt('prover', prover.value) resp = self.__tag_expr('prove', expr, fmtargs) if resp['tag'] == 'prove': if resp['counterexample'] is not None: args = tuple([self.__from_value(arg) for arg in resp['counterexample']]) return ProofResult(False, args) else: return ProofResult(True, None) elif resp['tag'] == 'proverError': raise ProverError(resp['message']) elif resp['tag'] == 'interactiveError': raise CryptolError(resp['pp']) else: raise PycryptolInternalError( u'Cryptol prove command returned an invalid ' 'message: {}'.format(resp))
[docs] def sat(self, expr, fmtargs=(), sat_num=1, prover=Provers.CVC4): """Find satisfying assignments for a Cryptol property. :param str expr: The property to satisfy :param fmtargs: The values to substitute in for ``?`` in ``expr`` (see :meth:`.template`) :param int sat_num: The maximum number of satisfying assignments to return; use ``None`` for no maximum :param Provers prover: The prover to use :return: Either :class:`.SatResult` or :class:`.AllSatResult`, depending on ``sat_num`` :raises ProverError: if an error occurs during prover invocation :raises CryptolError: if an error occurs during Cryptol parsing, typechecking, evaluation, or symbolic simulation """ # set keywords if sat_num is None: self.setopt('satNum', 'all') else: self.setopt('satNum', str(sat_num)) self.setopt('prover', prover.value) resp = self.__tag_expr('sat', expr, fmtargs) if resp['tag'] == 'sat': argss = [tuple([self.__from_value(arg) for arg in assignment]) for assignment in resp['assignments']] # Return different result types based on ``sat_num`` if sat_num == 1: if len(argss) == 0: return SatResult(False, None) elif len(argss) == 1: return SatResult(True, argss[0]) else: raise PycryptolInternalError( 'Multiple satisfying assignments with sat_num != 1') else: if len(argss) == 0: return AllSatResult(False, None) else: return AllSatResult(True, argss) elif resp['tag'] == 'proverError': raise ProverError(resp['message']) elif resp['tag'] == 'interactiveError': raise CryptolError(resp['pp']) else: raise PycryptolInternalError( u'Cryptol SAT checking returned an invalid ' 'message: {}'.format(resp))
[docs] def setopt(self, option, value): """Set an option in the Cryptol session for this module. .. note:: This method is going away in the near future, but is here for completeness at the moment. Values set here may be overwritten by calls to :meth:`.prove` and :meth:`.sat`, among others. :param str option: The option to set :param str value: The value to assign to ``option`` """ # TODO: add more examples, special-case these into methods # like _CryptolModule.set_base, etc self.__req.send_json({'tag': 'setOpt', 'key': option, 'value': value}) return self.__try_recv_json()
[docs] def browse(self): """Browse the definitions in scope in this module.""" # TODO: return these in a cleaner structure, perhaps combined # with the type information that typeof will return self.__req.send_json({'tag': 'browse'}) return self.__try_recv_json()
[docs] def exit(self): """End the Cryptol session for this module. .. note:: It is usually not necessary to call this method unless this instance might not be garbage-collected. """ if not self.__req.closed: try: self.__req.send_json({'tag': 'exit'}, flags=zmq.NOBLOCK) self.__req.recv_json(flags=zmq.NOBLOCK) except zmq.error.Again: pass self.__req.close()
def __try_recv_json(self): """Try to receive from the request socket, but guard for exceptions.""" try: return self.__req.recv_json() except: self.__control_req.send_json({'tag': 'interrupt', 'port': self.__port}) self.__control_req.recv_json() self.__req.recv_json() raise @staticmethod
[docs] def to_expr(pyval): """Convert a Python value to a Cryptol expression""" # boolean -> Bit if isinstance(pyval, bool): return str(pyval) # int -> decimal literal if isinstance(pyval, int): return str(pyval) # dict -> record elif isinstance(pyval, dict): fields = [u'{} = {}'.format(k, _CryptolModule.to_expr(v)) for k, v in pyval.items()] return u'{{{}}}'.format(', '.join(fields)) # tuple -> tuple elif isinstance(pyval, tuple): elts = [_CryptolModule.to_expr(v) for v in pyval] return u'({})'.format(', '.join(elts)) # list of length n containing a -> [n]a elif isinstance(pyval, list): elts = [_CryptolModule.to_expr(v) for v in pyval] return u'[{}]'.format(', '.join(elts)) # BitVector of length n -> [n] elif isinstance(pyval, BitVector): return u'{:d} : [{}]'.format(int(pyval), pyval.length()) else: # TODO: convert strings to ASCII? raise TypeError( 'Unable to convert Python value into ' 'Cryptol expression: {!s}'.format(pyval))
[docs] def template(template, args=()): """Fill in a Cryptol template string. This replaces instances of ``?`` with the provided tuple of arguments converted by :meth:`.to_expr`, similarly to a format string. .. note:: The number of ``?`` s in the template and the number of extra arguments must be equal. :param str template: The template string :param args: A tuple of values to splice into the template, or a non-tuple value if only one hole exists (to splice a single tuple, pass it in a Python 1-tuple, e.g., ``((True, False),)`` . :raises TypeError: if the number of arguments does not match the number of holes in the template """ holes = string.count(template, '?') if not isinstance(args, tuple): args = (args,) if len(args) < holes: raise TypeError( 'not all arguments converted during Cryptol string templating') if len(args) > holes: raise TypeError( 'not enough arguments for Cryptol template string') result = template for arg in args: result = string.replace(result, '?', _CryptolModule.to_expr(arg), 1) return result
[docs]class CryptolError(Exception): """Base class for errors arising from the Cryptol interpreter""" # TODO: add a class hierarchy to break down the different types of # Cryptol errors pass
[docs]class CryptolServerError(CryptolError): """An error starting or communicating with the Cryptol server executable""" pass
[docs]class ProverError(CryptolError): """An error arising from the prover configured for Cryptol""" pass
[docs]class PycryptolInternalError(Exception): """An internal error in pycryptol that indicates a bug This deliberately does not extend :class:`.CryptolError`, since it should not be expected during normal execution. """ def __init__(self, msg): self.msg = msg super(PycryptolInternalError, self).__init__() def __str__(self): template = ( u'Encountered an error in pycryptol:\n\n' '\t{0}\n\n' 'Please report this as a bug at ' '' ) return template.format(self.msg)
def _bool_to_opt(boolean): """Convert a boolean to ``on`` or ``off``""" if boolean: return 'on' else: return 'off' def _is_function(sch): """Is a JSON Schema a function type?""" ans = False try: ans = 'TCFun' in sch['sType']['TCon'][0]['TC'] except (IndexError, KeyError): pass return ans def _bv_to_hex(bv): """Temporary convenience function for C API""" if not isinstance(bv, BitVector): raise TypeError('bv_to_hex expects a BitVector') return hex(long(int(bv)))